7 Tips for HVAC Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance Prolongs the Life of Your HVAC System

7 Tips for HVAC Preventative Maintenance

Since your AC and Heat are one of the most expensive home systems, you really want them to last as long as possible. Your HVAC Unit should last around 15 to 20 years if kept in top condition. And like anything worth keeping, that will require some effort on your part and a preventative maintenance agreement with your local HVAC company.

Want some simple preventative maintenance tips for your heating, vacuum, and air conditioning system? Trust Heating and AC has put together a list of 7 things you can do that will prolong your HVAC’s life:

1. Get Your Unit Regularly Serviced. This one is simple. Make sure you have your unit regularly serviced to maintain its efficiency. There your technician will catch anything that is happening in the beginning stage to be corrected quickly. Even a tiny tear can become a huge issue if not seen in time. At that inspection, the technician will also check to ensure the thermostat is reading correctly. That will solve a whole host of problems if there are any. And, thermostat malfunction is something the homeowner will not usually be able to recognize on their own.

2. Clear Any Debris from Around the Unit. Make sure there are at least two feet of clearance around outdoor air conditioning units and heat pumps. Clear leaves, grass, vines, twigs, pollen, and weeds that could prevent airflow. Additionally, try not to allow the lawn mower to discharge grass clippings onto the unit. You see, during the summer, this debris can reduce efficiency and make the air conditioner work harder to maintain the temperatures inside. And with a heat pump, a blocked outside unit also affects heating efficiency.

Preventative Maintenance

3. Change Those Filters. It is best to change the HVAC unit’s standard filter to a high-efficiency one if you have not already done so. The filter protects the unit from dust and cleans the air you breathe. The new high-efficiency pleated filters increase the surface area for greater airflow while providing better protection than fiber filters. Plus, they have an electrostatic charge that works like a magnet to grab the tiniest particles — even those that carry bacteria. Check the unit’s filter monthly for dust buildup and change it when it’s dirty or after three months. The outside of the filter will tell you if you have purchased a 3 month or a one-month filter. But, if you have pets, you’ll probably need to change every month regardless.

4. Clean Mold and Algae from the Coils. During the summer, the air conditioning coils condense moisture from the air. It drips to a pan and drains through a small pipe. Unfortunately, the constantly wet environment allows mold and algae growth, blocking the line and cause the pan to overflow. Pouring a bleach-and-water solution in the pan helps control this problem.

5. Inspect the Lines Regularly. Homeowners are advised to inspect the insulation around refrigerant lines leading into the house and replace the insulation if it is missing or damaged. Torn insulation can lead to leaks and condensation drips where they should not be. Furthermore, any connections can be tightened at this time as well. Loose connections lead to leaks and possible system failure.

Preventative Maintenance, level unit

6. Make Sure the Unit is Level. Annually, ensure that outdoor air-conditioning units and heat pumps are on firm and level ground or pads. During an inspection, your service technician will ensure it is level as well. Sometimes the concrete or paver pad your unit is placed on settles into the ground a bit as the earth shifts underneath. That is where some simple extension of the feet below the unit will help the compressor run more smoothly.

7. Regulate the Air Flow with the Registers Never close more than 20% of a home’s registers to avoid placing unnecessary strain on the HVAC system. Each room should be regulated to control the flow of air throughout the house. If you have a “hot room” in the home, you can open the register wide. If there is a “cold room” in the house, close the vent to 20%, allowing for airflow, but limiting the amount pushing through. You see, it is pretty easy to control the temperature of your home without always adjusting the thermostat.

Knowing your system allows an opportunity for the technician to ask questions about your family’s AC needs and your system’s function. That way, they can best serve your home’s HVAC needs. The maintenance call is your chance to address small issues that may have been concerning but not enough of a problem to put in a service call.

Contact the pros at TRUST Heating & Air to discuss savings tips and free estimates.

Trust Heating and AC’s Preventative Maintenance Program

In Georgia, you never know what to expect when you walk out the door. One day it is as hot as the desert, and the next, you are grabbing a sweater on your way out the door. So, imagine the toll the ever-changing weather patterns have on our HVAC systems just trying to keep up. Your HVAC is working all day and all night to regulate whatever weather we encounter and how we want to feel that particular day.

Even the best units need maintenance when they work as hard as they do. Imagine never maintaining your vehicle. It wouldn’t get you from point A to B for long, now would it? Oil changes and tire rotation are an integral part of automobile ownership. And that is precisely how it is with your AC and heat as well.

With the program Trust Heating and Air has developed, you will receive the following exemplary services when we come out in the Spring and Fall to maintain your system.

  1. The technician will identify broken or worn parts in need of repair or replacement before they sustain any additional damage.
  2. They will optimize the performance of your unit through various cleaning and adjustment methods.
  3. The tech will ensure your system is as energy efficient as possible with tight seals and positive airflow.
  4. The indoor air quality will vastly improve with clean filters, coils, and ductwork.
  5. Ductwork will be examined regularly to prevent air from escaping, which can be a significant expense if damaged.
  6. The life of your unit will extend with proper care.

When you care for any part of your home, it will take better care of you and your family. That is why the good folks of Georgia count on the services provided by Trust Heating and AC.

The Preventative Maintenance Contract

So, you see, there are several benefits to being on a plan for maintenance with Trust Heating and AC. And there are even more we have not mentioned yet. What are they? We are glad you asked.

  • Contract customers receive 15% off on all repairs and service calls.
  • You become a priority customer, moving to the front of the service line.
  • Your home’s cost for electricity will reduce with an HVAC system that is well-cared for.
  • We offer a 24-hour answering service to our contract clients with excellent response times.
  • You will get automatic Spring and Fall HVAC system maintenance.
  • Our technicians will change the filters when they visit.
  • Emergency services are rushed for our contract priority customers.

You see? You cannot go wrong with a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance contract with the friendly and knowledgeable technicians at Trust Heating and Air. Contact our friendly staff at Trust Heating and AC to talk about the services we provide in greater detail and to schedule an appointment for an estimate.

Keep your AC and heat running in tip-top shape with Trust Heating and AC.